Q: How long do Decreaser last?
A: Decreaser can be used for unlimited times, and one pair can be reused as many times as needed.
Q: Can I cut the Decreaser to fit inside my shoe?

A: Yes, you have to cut the Decreaser to match your shoe size. According to the size chart mentioned below. Please note this is suggested size chart. You can alter the decreaser according to your comfort level as everyone have different size and shape of foot.
Q: Can I reuse my Decreaser?
A: Yes, the Decreasers are usable.
Q:How to control odor of shoes after using decreaser?
A: The best part is that after wearing the decreaser there will be no odor in the shoe as the decreaser comes with tropical fragrance infused.
Q: Is this uncomfortable?
A: The decreaser comes with dual laye our of which one layer is made up of gel. The decreaser are not uncomfortable but you will definitely feel that something is there in the shoes. Also in order to get best fit, make sure that your nails are trimmed.